Today I had to implement an algorithm to find the minimum and maximum values for a multidimensional array. Continue reading
There are 29 posts filed in Development (this is page 3 of 3).
Understanding D3
A very helpful tutorial in understanding what all these fancy ‘selectAll’, ‘enter’, ‘data’ and ‘domain’ are for:
Google’s new “Material Design”
If you can ignore that ugly sample on the first page, it is pretty amazing:
For everyone with a Nexus 5 or Nexus 7 a developer preview of the new android version using their new Material Design is available:
Setting Up ownCloud on Speed
Use this quick copy-and-paste guide to setup owncloud with SSL on Ubuntu 14.04.
Headless javascript tests with capybara-webkit and Ubuntu
After some struggle I found a working solution for integration testing with enabled javascript on my headless ubuntu setup.
Reset The Net
Reset the Net is not only about telling others what to do, it’s about reminding ourselves what needs to be done, about the basic principals we all should think about: Continue reading
GitLab Continuous Integration
You can use Docker to deploy the runners on various machines
Securing the Internet of Things? How about securing the Internet first?
The non-profit organization I am part of, aykit, recently released an Android Version and it’s sources for ownCloud Notes. Having ownCloud Notes, you add and edit notes using your ownCloud server. This is quite convenient and a good replacement for proprietary tools provided by google, Apple and others.
After releasing our app, we got feedback regarding our lack of support for http. Yes, it is true, we are only supporting https connections at the moment. To be frank, most of the tools we use in our daily work are only accessible through https as well. This article is about why we think this should be the norm.
Painless handling of development environments with vagrant
I destroyed my dev-environment. Again.
It all started with an upgrade of my packet management system. After previous disastrous experiences, I tried to minimize my installed packages (libpng, libjpeg, ImageMagick, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis) and it worked well so far. What could possibly go wrong? Short answer: almost everything.