OpenShift has become the most wanted technology of Red Hat. 30% of their current sales are happening because of it. Today, we take a look at using the technology in it’s current state on Fedora 25. Is OpenShift usable without Red Hat support? And if so, what obstacles are there to overcome?
System Administration
There are 6 posts filed in System Administration (this is page 1 of 1).
Let’s Encrypt left beta
In celebration of the day this blog is now powered with a Let’s Encrypt certificate. Congrats!
Ansible and Monit for simple server monitoring and documentation
A month ago a customer asked me to help him with his server monitoring. My first step was to evaluate what servers were running what services, so I turned to the customer’s developers for a list of services per host. Long story short – there wasn’t any kind of server documentation. So a second task emerged: Write a server documentation. Why not kill two birds with one stone? Continue reading
Migrate gitlab mysql to omnibus postgres
Migrating gitlab from mysql to postgres using omnibus is rather straight forward, thanks to the magnificent documentation. However, having the benefit of a brain dump helps most of the times. That’s what this post is for. If you went into troubles migrating gitlab, read on.
Digital Ocean Blocking IPv6 Mail Traffic && A Python Search and Replace One Liner
I got nearly insane yesterday, so let this be your warning: Digital Ocean is blocking IPv6 mail traffic…. on purpose.
To deactivate IPv6 in RHEL 7, go to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, change IPV6INIT=yes to IPV6INIT=no and reboot. I have to admit, it would have been far better to leave IPv6 enabled and route mail traffic over IPv4. Anyway, I got distracted by list comprehensions and generator expressions, which resulted in this one-liner to deactivate IPv6 “automatically” (valid only for RHEL derivates and Python > 3.3):
Changing lost Admin Passphrase on Windows 7 Bitlocker encrypted drives
I don’t know what happened, but a customer of mine forgot the Admin account passphrase. Maybe forgot was not the right way to put it, as the one it should have been did not work anymore. My best guess was my customer changed it himself and couldn’t remember. But saying that out loud would be treason so I just kept my mouth shut and was looking for a way to reset the passphrase. Something that turned out to be a nightmare as my customer did not make a recovery cd.