Our organisation aykit is developing ownCloud notes applications for mobile devices. aykit is a non-profit organisation and we invest our spare time to develop those applications. The last couple of weeks we spent some time trying to figure out what exactly ownCloud encryption is doing. As it turns out, there is a big misconception of the real purpose of the ownCloud encryption app.
The Quorum
I never thought Philip K. Dick will give us a good explanation of Quorum. Following is the original excerpt from “The Minority Report”: Continue reading
Join the language comparing fun
Making fool of programming languages is dumb, unprofessional and short sighted. So let’s join the fun, with this lovely quote by python afficionado Mark Lutz: Continue reading
Headless javascript tests with poltergeist and Ubuntu
If you already have a nodejs dependency, I recommend the following solution for headless testing instead of my first one. Continue reading
Getting min/max Values from multidimensional array in coffee script
Today I had to implement an algorithm to find the minimum and maximum values for a multidimensional array. Continue reading
Setting Up ownCloud on Speed
Use this quick copy-and-paste guide to setup owncloud with SSL on Ubuntu 14.04.
Headless javascript tests with capybara-webkit and Ubuntu
After some struggle I found a working solution for integration testing with enabled javascript on my headless ubuntu setup.
OSX Keydrain Bug
I found a really nasty OSX Keychain bug today. It shalt be called: Keydrain
Let Mumble use your SSL certificate on OSX
OSX gave me headaches today. This short article shows you how to teach your mumble client to use a SSL certificate. Continue reading
Self Signed SSL On Speed
As mentioned before, having a SSL certificate should be mandatory in the 21st century. Use this quick copy-and-paste guide to generate your self signed certificate. Continue reading