That was fast: 4.2.1 Release Information
Consider “babbling boy” history:
As long as this one (who needs names?) is around, comments are deactivated.
I suggest: “babbling boy”
That was fast: 4.2.1 Release Information
Consider “babbling boy” history:
As long as this one (who needs names?) is around, comments are deactivated.
I suggest: “babbling boy”
Update: v0.14.0 is out:
There has been an update for the trending phoenix framework. Worth a look.
If you’re interested, I made a sample project for vagrant to play around with.
I got nearly insane yesterday, so let this be your warning: Digital Ocean is blocking IPv6 mail traffic…. on purpose.
To deactivate IPv6 in RHEL 7, go to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, change IPV6INIT=yes to IPV6INIT=no and reboot. I have to admit, it would have been far better to leave IPv6 enabled and route mail traffic over IPv4. Anyway, I got distracted by list comprehensions and generator expressions, which resulted in this one-liner to deactivate IPv6 “automatically” (valid only for RHEL derivates and Python > 3.3):
The source and instructions can be found at
Today we are gonna dip our toes into Docker. To everyone who never heard of Docker, I recommend reading the introduction at their website.
I don’t know what happened, but a customer of mine forgot the Admin account passphrase. Maybe forgot was not the right way to put it, as the one it should have been did not work anymore. My best guess was my customer changed it himself and couldn’t remember. But saying that out loud would be treason so I just kept my mouth shut and was looking for a way to reset the passphrase. Something that turned out to be a nightmare as my customer did not make a recovery cd.
No matter what common programming language you use, the term 0.1 + 0.2 != 0.3 will evaluate to true. Go, try it out! Continue reading
In Addition to my chef tutorial, the same with Ansible:
PS: Highly recommended:
I created a small tutorial/repo on our github account to show a simple Vagrant/Chef setup:
I used the commits to make a step by step guide.
I made the same example with Ansible.
What happens when you type docker run centos /bin/echo hello world the first time?
Docker could not find the required image locally, so Docker downloaded the required files. Wait a moment… What required files and why plural? Continue reading