A very helpful tutorial in understanding what all these fancy ‘selectAll’, ‘enter’, ‘data’ and ‘domain’ are for:
Markus Klepp
Google’s new “Material Design”
If you can ignore that ugly sample on the first page, it is pretty amazing:
For everyone with a Nexus 5 or Nexus 7 a developer preview of the new android version using their new Material Design is available:
Headless javascript tests with capybara-webkit and Ubuntu
After some struggle I found a working solution for integration testing with enabled javascript on my headless ubuntu setup.
GitLab Continuous Integration
You can use Docker to deploy the runners on various machines
Interesting UX testing procedure
Interesting UX testing procedure: Grab your mobile, install a screencapture tool, grab a stranger on the street and let them try out use cases on your app. Heard today at the UX meetup in Vienna from this guy: http://www.nofro.com
eBay – used attack vector
eBay got hacked via a technique called water holing.
Check the certificate of your pizza delivery service!
True data security with thermite
True data security with thermite (german site, but the images are quite self explanatory) http://frank.geekheim.de/?p=2423
OMG => LibreSSL, the first 30 days
OMG => LibreSSL, the first 30 days
Painless handling of development environments with vagrant
I destroyed my dev-environment. Again.
It all started with an upgrade of my packet management system. After previous disastrous experiences, I tried to minimize my installed packages (libpng, libjpeg, ImageMagick, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis) and it worked well so far. What could possibly go wrong? Short answer: almost everything.