No matter what common programming language you use, the term 0.1 + 0.2 != 0.3 will evaluate to true. Go, try it out!
I stumbled over this problem when using coffeescripts for-loop to generate a range around a specific value:
range = (center) -> start_value = center - 0.1 stop_value = center + 0.1 stepping = 0.05 num for num in [start_value..stop_value] by stepping range(0.5)
A quick calculation in your head results in 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55 and 0.6. And it is mathematically correct. But not in the binary world we work in. There is a wikipedia article explaining this issue in detail, so I will float 😉 on the surface of the problem.
The solution is to remove the faulty floating point calculations:
integer_range = (center) -> factor = 100 center *= factor start_value = center - 0.1 * factor stop_value = center + 0.1 * factor stepping = 0.05 * factor num/factor for num in [start_value..stop_value] by stepping integer_range(0.5)
Moving the numbers to integer solves this problem. A jsfiddle containing this code can be found here.
So keep those floating points in mind!
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